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Markus Weber

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Join date: May 21, 2022


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The BGC told us that they supported calls for banks to enable customers to block gambling transactions as a further way for people to stay in control In fact, even at the time they wrote, some banks already provided those facilities, as we were told by Peter Holloway: “I have an interest in the structure of business, business practices and especially Business Information Systems. I also suffer the tragedy of my stepson’s suicide; a victim of gambling. …

A few months ago two new Challenger Banks, Starling Bank and Monzo Bank, became the first banks to introduce a ‘gambling blocker’, enabling gambling customers with addiction problems to block betting payments from their accounts. What is just as important, is they combine this with customer care features and advice to gamblers at a standard of practice not seen before …

Their reward being a huge influx of new customers at the expense of their High Street competitors …. The big four were on the back foot and forced to respond. Barclays have recently become the first UK High Street Bank to adopt payment blocking on gambling and some other retail services. Three more UK High Street Banks, Lloyds, Santander and RBS are about to follow suit.

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