Synthesia Short Code ((FULL))
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In short, I will comply. As you may have guessed, my video game is a simple open-source project with me as its only developer. I don't have the time, money, or energy to engage in any type of legal action.
3. I can't guarantee that all references to the name will be removed from the program source code by the new "0.6.0" release date. Again, rebranding is a laborious process and I am promising what I believe to be a very short time-frame. As source-code is not user-facing and not used in the distribution or promotion of the game, this is not an issue. After the release I'll update any derelict references to the name as I encounter them.
Synesthesia is an idea that I published at EkoParty last year (slides and video are available) regarding automated shellcode generation under encoding restrictions. The presentation walked through an extended tutorial on program synthesis, and showed how the idea would be implemented using those techniques. I promised to release code; this blog entry is the notification of such release, and some explanation of what the code is, what it is not, and what I hope it shall be in future releases. Here is the GitHub repository.
As envisioned in that presentation, the ideal implementation of Synesthesia is a stand-alone compiler with three modes: 1) generate shellcode under input restrictions given a specification for its behavior; 2) re-compile existing shellcode under input restrictions; and 3) encode and generate decoder loops for existing, non-encoded shellcode binary blobs. No matter which mode, in the ideal fully-automated implementation, the user should be able to write programs that dictate their requirements on the shellcode, invoke the Synesthesia compiler, and recieve machine code as output. As with any compiler, Synthesthsia should be a black box: to use it, the user should not have to be an expert user of SMT solvers or possess advanced education in theoretical computer science and mathematics. At present, the current implementation falls short of the goal of being an actual compiler: the process is not fully (or even largely) automated.
The first part of the presentation walks through a simple example of synthesizing C programs. The .ys implementation can be found here. Hopefully, with the comments in the code and its short length, this should be easy to understand if you read the presentation.
Next, the presentation extends the ideas first to synthesizing assembly language programs, and then to synthesizing machine language programs. For demonstration, it uses two imaginary languages, the "Simple" assembly language and its "SimpleMC" machine code. The first example involves synthesizing the "increment" operator in Simple assembly language. That example is found here.
Much of the remaining material is dedicated to synthesizing decoder loops. The first examples involve simple loops. The next two examples synthesize complex decoders that take two bytes of input to produce one byte of output. The first example restricts the input to printable bytes; the second restricts to alphanumeric bytes.
Make sure you add the necessary punctuation, as this will affect the speech output. A comma will cause a short pause, a full stop will cause a longer one, and quotation marks will cause the avatar to emphasize whatever is within them. 2b1af7f3a8